While Brius racks up violations, CEO Shlomo Rechnitz hauls in $3 billion a year

Just how much money does Brius CEO Shlomo Rechnitz reap from vulnerable elders and their families? In this January 15, 2016, interview on ESPN Radio, Shlomo says he hauls in $3 billion a year.

That’s right — in a conversation about a Brius nursing home employee who supposedly had won $1.5 billion in the California lottery (it turned out to be a hoax), Shlomo remarks that $1.5 billion is about half his annual income.

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So why is Shlomo threatening to shut down three nursing homes in poverty-stricken Humboldt County? Shlomo claims he can’t afford to keep the facilities open and needs Medicare to give him more taxpayer dollars. He says he can’t afford to staff the nursing homes well enough.

Meanwhile, the company has racked up hundreds of patient care violations. Brius’ focus on profits over the care and well-being of its residents led the California Attorney General to brand the corporation as a serial violator” of rules within the skilled nursing industry, and prompted the Los Angeles Long-Term Care Ombudsman to say that Brius demonstrates “flagrant disregard for human life.” 

For more information, see BriusWatch.org.