Neglect at Brius-operated nursing home lands resident in ER

On the night of April 10, 2015, paramedics were called to Brius-operated Windsor Healthcare Center of Oakland to rush a paralyzed resident to an emergency room, according to this report filed by inspectors with the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).

During a visit with his family members, the nursing home resident was shaking and complaining of chest pains. His father alerted the nursing staff and asked if they knew anything that would explain this sudden change in his son’s condition. A member of the nursing staff found his blood pressure to be much lower than normal and the man complaining of chest pains. Nursing home staff contacted his physician who instructed them to call paramedics to take the resident to an emergency room.

Emergency room staff noted that the man arrived “soaked with fecal material extending from his lower back to his knees.” After reviewing ER records, emergency room staff determined this was the same man they discharged from the hospital just five days prior and who was now returning with low blood pressure, altered mental status, shivering, chills, and what appeared to be septic shock. His deteriorated condition forced the hospital staff to admit him into the intensive care unit.

According to the CMS inspection report, the nursing home resident had open bed sores on his mid to lower back and buttocks that showed a loss of skin, revealing muscle and bone. Some of his open wounds were covered in feces, and another was draining pus. Even some of his dressed wounds were soiled with feces, indicating that they had not been changed in some time.

This nursing home had been managed by Brius since August 1, 2014, and was doing business as Brookdale Healthcare and Wellness Centre, LP, according to this CDPH document.

This and other instances of deficient care at Brius facilities prompted California’s Department of Public Health, in July 2016, to deny Brius’ application to operate five more nursing homes in the state based on the company’s repeated failures to comply with established rules and standards governing California’s skilled nursing home industry.